10 Finish Nightmares Of An Introverted Student - The Introverted Guide 3.

Introverts are shy and quiet people that do not like to be noticed. Being given too much attention in any way isn't something they like. 
Life as an introverted student is very challenging and not a nice experience. 

Here are the 10 Finish Nightmares Of An Introverted Student :

1. When The Neighbors Are Out.

Have you ever delayed your outing (if any) because someone was outside your apartment? I bet you know the feeling of trying to hide from your neighbors or pretending to make a fake phone call so you don't have to engage in any conversations with them. 

2. When Taking The Public Transport And The Bus Is Full. 

That moment when you have to walk through peering eyes to take a seat and you start to ask yourself; why didn't I just stay at home or call an uber? 

3. Being The New Student And Getting Introduced In Class. 

I'm sure every introvert that has gone to a new school has dreaded this particular moment. Standing in front of many people and talking about yourself! Not my cup of tea. 

4. Being Praised By The Teacher For Something You Did. 

Many people love being complimented and praised, as its a huge ego boost. Even introverts also love receiving compliments, but not in front of so many people. And getting praises from a teacher is drawing too much unnecessary attention to that introvert.

5. When someone moves closer to sit next to you. 
Interacting with strangers, isn't an introverts cup of tea. And someone moving closer to sit next to an introvert in the bus, cafeteria, bench, etc... Is giving the impression of a conversation about to happen. But most times the person (introvert)  is extremely uncomfortablem.

6. When someone moves away from you, to the next vacant seat.
Yes, you read this right. You start to wonder what's wrong with you, am I smelly, is something on my hair, do I have a disease or what not? 

7. When you have a pressing question to ask the teacher but can't. 

Most times, the teacher ends a class with the words: "does anyone have any questions?" And most times you do have a question to ask. And as much as you want to ask that question, you still end up zipping it and swallowing the question down so you don't get attention.

8. When someone is in your personal space. 

That annoying moment when a person decides to stand 2 inches away from you. And as irritating and annoying as it appears to be, it is difficult for us introverts to tell the person; "Hey, can you move away, I can literally feel you breathing in my neck!" the words just never seem to come out and we keep quiet. 

9. When you need help but are too shy to ask. 

Be it when trying out a dress and we can't pull up the zipper, submitting projects when we are late or organising something, introverts tend to be shy to ask for help. And even when someone offers to help, they sometimes decline in order to avoid small talks. 

10. When you miss the bus and you have to yell after it. 

I mean, we might as well just give up as wait for another bus. 

These are some nightmares of an introverted student. Comment your thoughts and opinions too, student or not! Make sure to keep up with my posts. 


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