How To Avoid A Conversation And Annoying Questions - The Introverted Guide

Many of us introverts, fall into the unfortunate dilemma of having to have or keep a conversation that we have no interest in. And being the shy type of person that we are, it is difficult and almost impossible to voice out how uninterested we are in such conversations. 
    Here are some ways you can use to avoid having a conversation you don't want to have. 

1. Laying Low 

  If you have been involved in an unfortunate scandal, controversy or maybe people probably want to extract private information from you; the best option is to lay low till the situation dies down. 
People tend to eventually forget about the question they want to pry from you, if they haven't seen or contacted you in a long time. 

                        How Do You Lay Low

If you see someone that you want to avoid coming your way, go the opposite direction. 

ignore calls and messages for some time, at least a week (but this wouldn't be a problem since introverts don't really like phone talks).

 If it's even possible, stay off social media for some time. I know it might be hard/almost impossible for some people but people can decide to harass and bombard you with questions once they see *online* . I have stayed without social media for up to a month before and I didn't die, so can you. 

And after the situation had simmered down, you can live your normal introverted life. And if anyone still decides to pry, then pretend as if you have no idea or have forgotten about what the person is talking about. 
FYI : This is a fancy word for "hiding from the world "

2. Walk With An Outgoing/Extroverted Friend. 

People tend to avoid asking you questions if you have someone with you, especially an outgoing person. 
      Even if they decide to not mind their business and still ask questions anyways or start a conversation you have no interest in, that extroverted friend would probably do majority of the talking for. You just need to chill, get some popcorn and watch two people have a conversation meant for you. 

So every introvert need an extroverted friend at all times, involving things that involved you stepping outside the house. 

3. Use Your Body Language 

             When a conversation gets way longer than its supposed to get and you are no longer interested but do not know how to voice your opinion out, or do not want to make the person feel bad that you aren't into the conversation, you can always use your body language. 
         By slouching, placing your head on your hands and yawning lightly indicated tiredness and boredom. The person gets the hint and can decide to end the conversation. 

4. Respond Back With A Question 

           Sometimes, annoying questions are best replied with a question. If a person decides to ask you a personal or an unwanted question, you simply respond by asking the person; a question he or she doesn't have an answer to or is either to embarrassed to answer. 
      And if you do not know much about the person, you can still divert his topic/question to something else. 

For example :

"hey Sarah! I heard that you lost your father. I'm so sorry for your loss, and I'm even more sorry that I couldn't make it to the funeral" Josh said, his face was filled with worry and concern.

"yeah, it's okay" I responded, despite not wanting to have such an emotional conversation.

"what happened to him Sarah?" he innocently peered. I didn't want to talk about it, I just couldn't. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes as the bad memories of the incident came flooding back.

I tried my best to push it back while trying keep up a poker face as I battled emotionally with myself. "did you hear about Kanye contesting for the presidential election!" I forced out a smile.

That seemed to have done the trick, as he soon started talking non stop "yeah, I mean, I'm a huge fan and all; But I don't think Kanye has enough or even any political experience to run for the position. And imagine Kim being the first lady... "

(Not to brag about my story writing skills, but; ehem... What do you think? I'm an upcoming author!) 

And that my dear friends / readers is how you can escape conversations you do not want to have or questions you do not want to answer.

Comment things you want me to talk about if you enjoyed! Thanks for reading. Make sure to keep up for my next post! Until next time. 


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